There are many easy yoga postures that are ideal for those who are just starting out. They help you understand the true meaning of yoga and also leave a lasting impact on your mind and body.

Health is the sum total of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. To live a good and healthy life, we need to take care of ourselves. When all these elements are taken into consideration, we can talk about holistic well-being.

Yoga is a traditional and sacred science that takes care of our entire being. Physical fitness and activities help keep us alert and agile. If we maintain energy throughout the day, undoubtedly we will radiate happiness and the day will pass without any difficulty.

Yoga helps in maintaining physical health and mental health. Yogasanas help us to become physically strong, while pranayama and meditation improve our mental and emotional health and chanting mantras has a significant positive impact on our spiritual health.

Today we are telling you about some yogasanas that can be done by people of all ages. You can easily do this at home without any equipment. Himalayan Siddha Akshar, founder of Akshar Yoga Institute, is telling us about these.

Himalayan Siddha Akshar says, “The beauty of yoga is that you don’t need to be a yogi or yogini to reap the benefits. Whether you are young or old, overweight or fit, yoga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body.”

1. Sukhasana

  • Sit straight in Dandasana with both legs spread out.
  • Bend the left leg and place it inside the right thigh.
  • Then bend the right leg and press it inside the left thigh.
  • Place your palms on your knees.
  • Sit keeping your spine straight.
  • Stay in this posture for some time.

2. Tree pose

  • Begin this by standing straight.
  • Lift the left leg from the ground in such a way that the weight of the body supports it.
  • Place the right foot on the inside of the thigh.
  • Place it as close to the crotch as possible.
  • To keep the feet in the right manner, you can support them with your palms.
  • When you are in balance, place the palms together in pranam mudra on the heart chakra.
  • Raise your hands towards the sky in salutation.
  • Keep in mind that the elbows should be in the middle of the arms.
  • Do the same with the other leg.
  • Take eight to ten deep breaths.

3. Padhastasan

  • Start this yoga asana by standing.
  • Exhale and gently bend the upper body down from the hips and touch the nose to the knees.
  • Place the palms on either side of the feet.
  • In the beginning, you may need to bend your knees a little to accomplish this.
  • With practice, slowly straighten the knees and try to touch the chest with the thighs.

4. Vajrasana

  • Begin this asana by standing straight with your arms at your sides.
  • Then bend forward and slowly lower your knees to the mat.
  • Place the pelvis on the heels and point the toes outward.
  • Press the calf muscles with your thighs.
  • Keep the heels close to each other.
  • Do not place the toes of the right and left feet on top of each other.
  • Place the palms on the knees facing upward.
  • Lift your shoulders and look upward.
  • Do this asana for some time.

5. Boat pose

  • To do this asana, lie down on your back.
  • Raise the upper body 45 degrees above the ground.
  • Rotate the hips around and lift the legs about 45 degrees off the ground.
  • Eyes and toes should be in a straight line.
  • Try to avoid bending your knees.
  • Keep the arms extended forward and parallel to the ground.
  • Tighten your stomach muscles.
  • Stretch your back straight.

Start with subtle exercises . These include warming up the joints by gently moving the neck, arms, wrists, hips and ankles. Walk quickly while stretching and shaking the muscles. This will prevent exercise-related injuries and prepare our body for practice. Asanas like Chakrasana, Dhanurasana and Himalayasana can be added to the practice.

You can also do these yogasanas to keep yourself healthy. If you also want to know about yogasanas for any health related problem, then tell us in the comment box below the article. If you liked this story, then definitely share it. Stay connected with Care Craze Chronicle to read other such stories.

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