If it is difficult for you to wear shoes or lift a box from a height, then this is the right time to increase the flexibility of your body.

Lockdown and work from home have also harmed your flexibility. Now you spend hours sitting in one place in the same room. Web series have completed the remaining task. Your body is suffering the consequences of this. If stiffness has increased in your body, then these 5 exercises can help in increasing the flexibility of your body.

To strengthen your stretching, practice these exercises just a few times a week and you will slowly begin to feel more flexible.

What is flexibility?

Flexibility is a condition in which an object bends or twists when pressure is applied, but returns to the same position when the pressure is removed.
Flexibility means the complete opening of the joints and muscles of our body. Also, the joints move completely (full range of motion). Flexibility is an important part of fitness.

Flexibility is an important part of fitness. Image: Shutterstock

Why is flexibility important?

Flexibility is important for everyday life. It is important to be flexible to bend over to fold laundry or pick something up from a high shelf. If your muscles feel a sharp pull while doing so, it is a matter of concern. Flexibility is essential to
keep muscles stress-free. If your body is constantly in pain, it will be difficult to relax.

Aerobic fitness improves muscle strength, which in turn improves muscle mobility.

If you have pain and cramps in your legs, then practice these leg stretching exercises, we are telling you the method

If you want to increase flexibility in your body, then you can include these exercises in your workout routine.

Start doing stretching exercises 3 days a week. Do 10 to 15 minute sessions of static stretching and dynamic stretching. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Then rest and repeat.

Also read: If you are not losing weight even after a good diet and workout, then these could be the 6 reasons: 

1. Side to Side Stretch:

Method :

Sit in Padmasana.
Inhale and bring your right hand over your head to the left side, stretching to your right side.
Exhale and return to start.
Inhale and repeat with your left hand.

By doing these exercises, you will be able to stretch better. Image: Shutterstock

2. Cat-Cow Pose:

This yoga pose stretches your spine and core and opens your chest.

Method :

Stand on your hands and feet and keep your wrists in line with your shoulders.
Inhale and arch your back, turning your face toward the sky and your belly toward the ground.
Exhale and round your back, feeling a further stretch. Turn your face toward the sky, bringing your belly toward the ground.

3. Lying Twist:

By doing this exercise you will be able to stretch better.


Lie on the floor on your back.
Extend your arms out to form a T and rotate your lower body to the right. Bend your left leg and rest your left knee on the floor.
Turn your head to the left, keeping your shoulders on the floor.
Relax your body as you exhale each time.

4. Forward fold

A basic forward fold will stretch the entire back side of your body, including your hamstrings, glutes, and spine.

This asana stretches and relaxes the spine. Image: Shutterstock


Stand with your feet together. Bend forward at your hips. Also place your head on your knees and bring your hands to the ground.
Without locking your knees, lengthen your legs as much as possible.
If necessary, bend your knees slightly to touch the ground with your hands.
You can also place a yoga block or other prop in front of you and rest your hands there.

5. Seated Torso Stretch:

This will lengthen your spine as well as engage your glutes.


Extend your right leg on the ground. Place your right foot on the floor and cross your left leg over your right leg.
Then using your right hand, twist your torso to the left.
Breathe into the stretch, twisting yourself with each exhale.

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