Every time you visit your doctor for a check-up, injury or any illness, you are asked if you get a good night’s sleep. Well, good deep sleep is essential for a healthy body and to be happy from within. So people work on a routine to get seven to eight hours of sleep and feel adequate. However, it is not the duration of sleep but the quality of sleep that matters a lot! Hence, you must educate yourself about the sleep cycle and ensure that you get the deep sleep you need for a healthy routine. So, let us understand deep sleep and why it is important in your life.

stages of sleep

Sleep is classified into two different forms, REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep. Your night will begin with non-REM sleep, followed by a short period of REM sleep. This cycle is repeated throughout the night, approximately every 90 minutes.

There are four different stages of sleep. The first three belong to the non-REM category.

Stage 1

When you move from being awake to falling asleep, this marks the beginning of the non-REM sleep cycle. Your body works and brain waves begin to relax and slow down at this stage.

Stage 2

This non-REM cycle also continues and lasts for several minutes. Your body functions continue to slow down and eye movements stop at this stage. Body temperature also drops.

Stage 3 and Stage 4

During stages 3 and 4, you will enter deep slumber mode. This is because your body functions, heart rate and brain waves are the slowest when you enter this stage of deep sleep. Hence, deep sleep is also called ‘slow-wave sleep’. It can last up to 90 minutes and a little longer in the first half of the night and gets shorter as the sleep cycle repeats.

Stage 5

This is REM sleep and lasts for about 90 minutes after you pass through the non-REM stage. Your eyes start moving rapidly, heart rate increases, and breathing increases in this stage. As your brain activity increases and gets closer to waking up, you will start dreaming.

Therefore, non-REM sleep and stage 4 are the times of deep sleep.

How long do you need to get deep sleep at night?
African American Man Sleeping Peacefully Resting With Eyes Closed Lying In Comfortable Bed In Bedroom At Home. Recreation, Healthy Male Sleep, Bedtime Napping Concept. Empty Space For Text

The duration of deep sleep decreases with age. So at a younger age, say, up to the age of 30, you should get at least 2 hours of deep sleep for healthy growth and development. At the age of 60 and beyond, the chances of getting even an hour of deep sleep are very low. So, lack of deep sleep as you grow older does not indicate a sleep disorder.

You can use electronic gadgets these days to keep track of your deep sleep. This will help you understand if you are getting enough sleep or if you need to do something to increase it. Pay attention to your sleeping pattern and seek medical advice if necessary.

Why is deep sleep important?

There are many health benefits of deep sleep. It improves the overall health of your body by contributing to various functions. Here are the details about it all:

  1. Human growth hormones, essential for the growth and development of the body, are released from the pituitary gland during deep sleep.
  2. Deep sleep is necessary for cell restoration, tissue and muscle repair.
  3. It improves memory and learning ability by increasing glucose metabolism in the brain. It improves executive functions which involve complex thinking and problem solving skills.
  4. Strengthens the immune system to fight common diseases and keeps it healthy.
  5. Increases blood circulation and supply to the muscles.
  6. The longer your deep sleep, the better rest your heart gets. Therefore, deep sleep ensures good heart health.
  7. When your body is relaxed and well-rested, you are less likely to feel hungry. In contrast, hormonal imbalances caused by leptin and ghrelin, which regulate hunger, occur when you lack deep sleep.

Therefore, deep sleep can ensure that you have good health!

Tips for getting deep sleep

After understanding the importance of deep sleep, you should take it every day for a healthy lifestyle. Here are some home remedies to get deep sleep:

  1. Exercise every day and take a healthy diet plan.
  2. Keep a fixed bedtime and follow it regularly.
  3. Adopt a healthy bedtime routine, like reading a book, listening to soothing music, etc.
  4. Keep a comfortable bed and pillows to sleep peacefully.
  5. Stay away from electronic gadgets and bright lights before sleeping.

While such tips can lead to a good bedtime routine going forward, you should have a stable lifestyle that removes the uncertainties of life. This will help your mind maintain peace and rest with satisfaction.

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Deep sleep is a part of your daily sleep cycle. The quality and duration of deep sleep is essential for a healthy body. It promotes growth and development, improves brain function, strengthens the immune system and overall well-being in the long run. To ensure you get a good sleep and enough deep sleep, follow a healthy routine, lifestyle and diet plan!

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